Every classroom is spacious and well ventilated to provide ample natural light and air. There are around 25 regular classrooms with good seating furniture and other rooms for Audio-Visual sessions and discussions.
Computer Lab
Computer education is part of the curriculum at the school. From Basics of computer to Basics of Programming in C, HTML and Python, the curriculum teaches students MS Office Suite, Macromedia Flash, Animation applications like Pivot Stick Figure, Programming in HTML, C and Python. Experienced and Qualified teachers having industry experience engage the theory and practical classes.
The lab has networked systems controlled by High end dedicated servers. Broadband Internet connection is used to educate the children about latest developments in technology and Internet. Month end and semester end evaluations include theory and practical tests.

The Science Laboratory
The Science lab includes Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs with various preserved biological specimens, models, variety of chemicals and apparatus to carry out live experiments encourage children to get hands-on experience and helps children understand the subject better.
The library provides the students and the faculty access to various textbooks, reference materials, novels and award winning titles, periodicals and newspapers. The collections of books are in both English and Kannada medium.The library helps the students in their assignments, activities and to prepare them for various Quiz and Debate events. There are various reference books to assist teachers to prepare their lessons and enrich their knowledge. One period is allotted per week for all the classes wherein they can choose from the recommended list of books and are encouraged to read, prepare and give talks about the topics of their choice.

Audio-Visual Room
The audio-visual room is extensively used by the faculty and students to revise lessons, make presentations, seminars and workshops for both students and teachers. For better understanding of the content and for long-term retention of what is taught; Animations, Power Point presentations, Interactive quiz are used.
The Art & Craft Education
Students are trained for Junior and Senior Drawing grade examinations. The curriculum comprises Object drawing, Free hand drawing, Letter drawing, Nature painting and Geometrical constructions. We are proud to say that K.V.V High School, Vijayanagar is the only Drawing exam centre for the Vijayanagar region.
Students are encouraged to use crayons (for Primary), water and oil colours (for Secondary). Apart from this, they are trained to do Pot painting, Slab painting, craft work using coir, match sticks, sea shells etc. Origami, Spray painting is also included in the coursework.
The Art & Craft education relaxes the students mind from the academics and encourages them to explore and exhibit their hidden talent and artistic capabilities.