080-23391898, 080-23207754
Academic Curriculum

The academic syllabus is designed with emphasis on promoting complete learning on a subject. The academic textbooks and courseware are designed based on the guidelines set by our institutions Educational committee, advisory board and Educational policies.
The coursework for Nursery and KG classes are a combination of Montessori and NTT techniques with focus on both reading and writing practices and improving their sensory, motor skills.
We are a state board school. The pattern of syllabus followed for Classes I to VII is based on the NCERT guidelines and the textbooks used adhere to the State and NEP guidelines.
The courseware for all the classes are taught with efficient use of teaching aids such as Charts, Maps, Experiments, Audio and Visual contents, Guest seminars by resource people.
Special attention is given for activity based learning, projects, seminars, debates by the students to promote self-learning.


Evaluation of student in Scholastic and Non-Scholastic work is done using Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation (CCE) method. The logic behind following this method is to analyze the overall development and progress of the student. Each student’s work is continuously evaluated using various evaluation aspects such as Unit/Chapter wise tests, Monthly tests and activities, Semester/Term tests; the consolidation of these lead to the final grade. Student is not only graded in Academic areas but also Sports, Morals and Values, Attitudes and Behaviors, Organizational and Leadership skills etc.
Each evaluation aspect includes test of the student’s knowledge, understanding, application skill and creativity. It might include written or oral tests, mini-assignments, classroom based activities, individual or group activities. All these aspects will be graded and summarized for the final grade. The final grade decides the Promotion of a student to the subsequent class.

Academic Activities

Activities encourage creativity, promote leadership qualities, nourish organizational skills and bring out hidden talents in children. Hence, many activities are done in the school. Some of them are –
Inter-School and Intra-School Quiz competitions
Debate competitions, Pick and Speak events in English, Kannada and Hindi
Essay writing competitions in English, Kannada and Hindi
Arts and Science Exhibitions involving concept explanations using working models, charts, computer power point presentations.